Time Rounding
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Round to nearest minute button
Click this button to set both clock in and clock out rounding to the nearest minute.

Use time rounding when clocking in

If this box is checked, the time rounding options entered below will be activated. This option can also be activated and deactivated on an employee by employee basis. See the Employee file for details.

Round in time to nearest xxx second

Enter a numeric value here to make Power Clock round clock in times. Enter the number of seconds that hours are broken into. For example, to round times to the nearest minute, enter 60 here. To round times to the nearest quarter hour enter 900.

Round Method
Nearest rounds to the nearest second increment.
For example, assuming a 60 second increment, clocking in at 9:09:20, the time will be rounded to 9:09:00 since 9:09:20 is closer to 9:09:00 than to 9:10:00.

Up always rounds up to the next second increment.
For example, assuming a 60 second increment, clocking in at 9:09:20, the time will be rounded up to the next minute 9:10:00.

Down always rounds down to the next second increment.
For example, assuming a 60 second increment, clocking in at 9:09:45, the time will be rounded down to the previous minute, 9:09:00.
Use time rounding when clocking OUT
These are the same settings as shown above except they only apply when an employee is clocking out.